Methods of Effective Management


Project Communication

The professionals at PA rely on several means of communication when serving clients throughout a project, the most important factor being our Client Point-of-Contact (POC). We enroll a POC at the start of every project - communication still exists between the OPM and other members of the Client’s team, but we are firm believers that the Client POC should be fully informed and updated on every aspect of the project. We also believe that every communication that ends in an action, direction and/or response requires written documentation (e-mail, letter, or memo to file).

Review of Design

PA performs an audit of the existing building’s program to ensure it meets the needs of the department(s), and that the design reflects the same needs. In many instances, we have been able to recognize areas of potential space and cost-saving measures for the Town to consider. This measure is also used by many communities to validate or confirm the findings of the feasibility study. PA has also provided very successful Constructability and Value Engineering reviews, which has saved clients millions of dollars. We review the project design and propose materials from the both the cost and product-longetivy perspectives.


We strongly recommend that complete project estimates are performed at the Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Document phases of design. PA estimates individual elements and change orders, but PA does not perform cost estimating for total projects. For this, we traditionally utilize a third-party estimator. We feel this scope-of-work is best suited for estimators who perform the service on a day-to-day basis.

Financial Analysis

Finance instruction begins on day one and never ends. Cost control during design and construction is essential for the success of any project, and the team at PA maintains a very aggressive stance on costs during all phases. The project committee will receive monthly budget reports and audits every step of the way, accompanied by historical and projected changes to the project budget.

On-Site Supervision

Pomroy Associates is the heart and the soul of any project it manages. During construction, PA stresses control and accountability. Our on-site clerk supervises the General Contractor every day of construction to ensure the building is assembled according to drawings and specifications. They track submittals, change orders, and third-party inspections. The clerk coordinates all site testing, owner-supplied equipment, and ensures the GC has all necessary information to install equipment. The clerk remains on site through closeout.

Change Order Process

When a Change Order Proposal is received, we immediately perform an estimate and an impact analysis. This determines if pricing is reasonable compared to the planned work, as well as the resulting effect on the budget if it were to be accepted. After taking these components into consideration, we make our recommendation to approve or deny the request to the Town member(s) responsible for making the decision. All Change Orders are recorded in a tracking log, which makes note of all open potential exposures, as well as previously accepted/denied items.